Tuesday 23 October 2007

Dressed up to the nines

I haven't written anything in this blog for ages. So much for doing it every day! Well I knew I couldn't do it. Never mind. I'm back again!

So today I have been looking for jobs on the internet. I have signed up to the Guardian jobs page so was browsing on there. There were a few jobs on there that I thought I would apply for; one of those being a proofreader. I love grammar, punctuation, spelling, syntax, I just can't get enough of it. And I love correcting it. I'm not saying that I'm perfect, but I do know the difference between their/there/they're and your/you're. And I know sentences shouldn't start with 'and'.

So, I apply for this job as a proofreader, explaining how important good grammar is and that I have had experience in teaching grammar etc. Then I notice a punctuation mistake in the advert for a proofreader. Deliberate mistake, methinks. So after having explained my passion for grammar and my experience in working with grammar, I put a P.S. highlighting the punctuation mistake.

About 10 minutes later I receive an e-mail saying that because I don't have experience as a proofreader I can't have the job, but thank you for pointing out the mistake. Gah!! If I can spot a mistake in the advert then surely I should be given the job!!

I have also written to the Job Centre asking for a job as a proofreader. Currently I am unemployed and if I cannot make it to the job centre to sign on, I have to let them know. Last week I went away for a few days with my parents which meant that I would miss my signing on day. They gave me a form to fill in. It was a small form but there were so many mistakes concerning grammar, punctuation and syntax. So, I copied the form, took my red pen and corrected it, then sent it back to the head office of the job centre ssayinf that there appears to be a job going in the proof reading department and that I would like to apply for the job. They did not reply. I have recently received another form from the job centre for another reason and again there are mistakes so I am doing the same thing and correcting it then sending it back. I will keep doing this until they give me a job as a proofreader or they get someone else to do the job. I do not appreciate being given forms written by monkeys.

In other news, I have started knitting. I am making a scarf. I believe it will be finished by winter 2008. I have had to keep unravelling it as it's far too wide. I think it's the perfect width now. it's going pretty well, but my fingers are all numb from the needles. At least I'll be stylish, individual and warm. Eventually.

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