Monday, 1 October 2007

Seventh Heaven

Today was another enjoyable trip to the job centre. I may have given this place capital letters before, but I no longer want to give it this much respect. Not that I had much respect for it in the first place, but they are giving me money for doing nothing. However, in a couple of weeks I am going away for a few days with my parents. My next signing on day occurs during this time that I'm away, so I have to fill in a form and answer stupid questions - well what more did you expect form the job centre?! If I don't make myself available for work even though I'm away, I won't get any money. If I don't report back to the job centre as soon as I'm back, I won't get any money. If they can't reach me while I'm away, I won't get any money. If I am not looking for work while I'm away, I won't get any money. I try and do things honestly, and all I get is a big old complicated form to fill in. I can understand why people aren't honest with the job centre, and work or do things without telling them. It just seems so painful!

It is also nice to see that the people in the job centre know how to do their own jobs while trying to find jobs for other people. Today is Monday, on my little book it says "your appointments are on Monday" and so as today is a Monday I go for my appointment. The man at the desk says "the computer says you should come on Friday." Helpful. He then has to phone another office somewhere to explain that I come in on Mondays. He told me that if it hadn't been changed, then I wouldn't get all my money. *sigh* I go in every fortnight, you give me money. It can't be that difficult a thing to organise!

One good thing though; there are a few new seats at the job centre and I managed to bag one of them while waiting. No stains. No stains!

I have nearly finished my painting. It's looking ok. Not as great as I'd hoped, but still not bad. This is piece of art #2 for my 100 themes thingumy. Only 98 more to go...

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